Why & How Alkaline Water Works?


In order to really understand why alkaline water works, you have to understand some things about how the body works. The body is composed of various systems and organs, but cells are at the basis of every change, reaction, growth, maintenance and decay that occurs in the body.  All wastes the cells and the body excrete are acidic. […]

How Kidneys get damaged and how to repair them naturally?


Kidneys are important organs and should not be taken for granted. Kidneys clean liters and liters of blood daily and are the principle organs we use to clean the blood. When the kidneys are working correctly they remove toxins and wastes from the blood all day long. They also help to regulate the blood viscosity, […]

Hydrogen Healing


Hydrogen healing is a newly recognized phenomenon. As part of the water molecule (H2O), hydrogen can be safely consumed all day long and is known to have healing benefits. We all know that H2O (or water) is the source of all life. Without it, we’re dead, that’s it. But, what is H2O? It’s two hydrogen’s […]

Study conducted by Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine


Drinking water, also known as potable water, is water that is safe to drink or to use for food preparation. The amount of drinking water required to maintain good health varies, and depends on physical activity level, health-related issues, and environmental conditions.