
Water is the elixir of life, essential for our existence and overall well-being. By understanding the different minerals present in water, we can craft a drinking water that enhances our daily routines and elevates our enjoyment of both food and drink.


Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) refers to the cumulative measurement of dissolved minerals present in water. It plays a significant role in determining the flavour and mouthfeel of water.


It contains a plethora of minerals that greatly influence its taste and mouthfeel. Understanding the impact of minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium can help us create water tailored to specific occasions.

Sodium lends a hint of salinity to water, mimicking the taste of natural mineral springs. This characteristic makes it an ideal choice for a refreshing drink and helps support digestion after a meal.

Potassium imparts a delicate, slightly bitter sensation to water. Its mild taste can complement the enjoyment of barista-style coffee, bringing out the subtleties of its flavours and creating a harmonious drinking experience.

Calcium, on the other hand, adds a slightly chalky or creamy undertone and a touch of richness and weight to water. This mineral can be beneficial for post-workout hydration, aiding in muscle recovery and replenishing electrolytes lost through sweat.

Magnesium offers a subtle, smooth taste and a slightly sweet metallic aftertaste. It contributes to a velvety mouthfeel, making it an excellent choice for the first drink of water in the morning, providing a gentle awakening to your senses.


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