Simply put, it is Mineral rich water which is ionized using electrolysis process.

At least 7 on pH scale. Most of the Bottled water falls in 6.5 to 7.5. Drinking higher pH helps in safeguarding body organs.

It has many benefits. Due to our lifestyle habits, it is best to consume Alkaline water whenever possible.

Start out by drinking 3-4 glasses of Alkaline water per day and gradually increase your water intake to 8-12 glasses.

It lasts for six months from the date of packaging. Once opened consume within 48 hours, as pH starts reducing slowly when it comes in contact with air.

Pureau Ionized Alkaline water is available in pH of 8 and 9 in selective channels. While it is ideal to consume 9 pH any other time of the day, it is not advisable to drink along with food. You can have our Pureau water of 8pH for this very specific purpose.

Children under the age of 3, should not drink Pureau. Older people above 65, should make the transition slowly from RO water to Pureau.

Each person is different, and as such, the body’s response to drinking alkaline water varies from person to person. You might start noticing a positive response in as little as one day or within a few weeks.